How I use my Freewrite Traveler
I’m not an author, I have not ambition to be one and don’t intend on publishing the next great novel, screenplay, opinion, news article, or clickbait. I’m a Linux user and a fan of e-ink devices. A few months ago I purchased a new, first generation, currently the only generation, Freewrite Traveler directly from Astrohaus.…
The Row at DTLA
on a quiet and cool Saturday afternoon. Website: https://gget.com/visit/ROW
The Stirling Pooch
Cigs & Coffee
The Vandalist in Whittier on Green Street.
Sketch Self Portrait
A quick study sketch during my lunch break. using my selfie camera as a mirror and a Pilot Prera with a fine nib filled with Diamine Oxblood.
Vim for Distraction Free Writing
When I’m not using a journal to collect my thoughts I dig up my aging Toshiba NB505, a fifteen year old netbook that I saved from e-waste when my dad upgraded. It’s currently running Debain + i3wm and it’s last practical use if for drafting and editing text. The keyboard, surprisingly is where this machine…