Vim for Distraction Free Writing
When I’m not using a journal to collect my thoughts I dig up my aging Toshiba NB505, a fifteen year old netbook that I saved from e-waste when my dad upgraded. It’s currently running Debain + i3wm and it’s last practical use if for drafting and editing text. The keyboard, surprisingly is where this machine…
Debian Buster & i3wm
It occurred to me today that I’ve never optimized Debian and i3 together for my own purposes. I’ve themed it in Lubuntu and Ubuntu which consisted of adding it alongside those distributions. However, for Debian I decided to start with a lean install of components add i3 and only what I actually need. This resulted…
Testing i3wm in Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver
Testing i3wm in Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver
Creating a simple Pomodoro timer for i3
A terminal based Pomodoro coountdown doesn’t appear to exist but can be created simply in i3’s config file. It requires the following packages to enable “notify-send” which is a simple gtk popup notification. libnotify-bin libnotify4 # Pomodoro start and end notifications bindsym $mod+Control+p exec notify-send –icon=gtk-info Pomodoro “Focus for 25 minutes” && sleep 2500 &&…
i3 desktop screenshot gallery
Before I get to far into further customizations how about a gallery of my progress so far. For the i3lock screen I started with a tutorial posted at http://plankenau.com/blog/post/gaussianlock followed by a little additional research to adjust the brightness levels at http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/color_mods/#level_gamma which contains several tips and tricks for use with ImageMagick. If you’re curious…
Tonight’s i3 desktop
I’m starting to feel more at home in i3 Window Manager and using the mouse almost exclusively for web surfing with the occasional adjustment to tile widths and floating window placement. I still refer to the i3 reference card from time to time. This isn’t the first time I’ve tried i3; Previously, I’ve used it…